Visión general de la solución y el producto
General Catalogue
DIATEST manufactures high-precision bore gauges and complex project solutionsfor your quality assurance.
Complex Measuring Solutions
Complex measurement tasks solved by coordinated complete solutions
DIATEST - BMD Plug Gauge
Measuring smooth inside and outside diameters
DIATEST - Split-Ball Probe
Measuring smooth inside and outside diameters
DIATEST - Plunger Probe
Measuring smooth inside and outside diameters
DIA-COME measuring tables and accessories
DIATEST - Chamfer Gauge IKT and AKT
Measuring inner and outer tapers or 45° chamfers
DIATEST - Chamfer Gauge KT
Measuring inner and outer tapers or 45° chamfers
DIATEST - Gear Gauge
Measurement of internal and external gears, ball and roller inserts
Measuring smooth inside and outside diameters
DIATEST - TD-Gauge, Gauge-2Dimensions
Measure smooth and thread depths
DIATEST - Crankshaft and DIACATOR
Checking crankshafts and centric alignment of bores
DIATEST - Measured values, display andtransfer
Display, transfer and evaluate measurement data
DIATEST - Accessories
Accessories, mounting brackets and deflection heads
DIATEST - Service, Repair, Calibration, Setting master, Certificates - Service
Service, Repair, Calibration, Setting master, Certificates - Service
DIATEST - Apprenticeship, DIA-academy
Apprenticeship at DIATEST & DIA@cademy
Indicador digital de cuadrante MDU-A125
Indicador de carátula digital MDU-A125 Manual de instrucciones con navegación por los menús actuales 2023
Indicador digital de cuadrante MDU-A125
Indicador de carátula digital MDU-A125 Manual de instrucciones con navegación por menús antiguos
DIATRON1500-S operating insructions
BMD Plug Gauge Technical Guide
Self-centering indicating bore gauge for Ø 2,98 - 270 mm
Split-ball probes operating instructions
Instructions for use, maintenance and care of split-ball probes
Plunger Probes operating instructions
Chamfer gauges operating instructions for digital dial gauge MUM1086W
Operating Instructions MUM1086W
DIA-COME Measuring tables operating instructions
Altar-flyer automated measuring
Altar-flyer for automated measuring
DIA-COME C2-HA Mesa de medición
La mesa de medición robusta y flexible, ¡con ajuste de altura!
Dynamic In-Process-Measurement (IPM)by DIATEST"more language versions will follow"
DLC Black Diamond - el nuevo recubrimiento DLC
Todas las sondas de bola dividida DIATEST están protegidas por un nuevo recubrimiento DLC tipodiamante. Son mucho más resistentes.
DLC Black Diamond – Altarflyer
DLC Black Diamond – Altarflyer
Gauge-2Dimensions DYNAMIC WIRELESS
Measured data are automatically sent wireless (DIAWIRELESS)
TD-Gauge+DIGITAL and optional motorized with a resolution of 0.001 mm
DIATEST ball inserts and roller anvils
DIATEST offers many solutions for the measurement of gears
Altar flyer for ball inserts and roller anvils
Altar flyer for ball inserts and roller anvils
Every DIATRON1500-S is integrated into the company network, networked and communicative!